About this website:

This website was created to help visitors and residents find information about outdoor-related events and opportunities.  This site is entirely non-commercial and there is no paid content here.  And unlike many other sites, there are no ads from third-party servers and no scummy tracking or spying.

My intent is to include parks and public lands that might be within reasonable driving distance from Raton, close enough to drive, visit, and return in a single day.  So I’ve chosen 100 miles as a semi-arbitrary radius.  But as a result there will be some areas not within my field of experience.  The website will naturally tend to give preferential coverage to places that nearer to Raton.

For technical questions about the website, software, etc. just send a message via the contact form.  I’ll answer the best I can.

About me:

I’ve lived in Raton for 20 years, and have worked at many local businesses including the York Canyon Mine, the gasfield, various construction projects, and Stolar Global Imaging.  Previously I was an archaeologist for a dozen years, working primarily in Arkansas and New Mexico.  I hold a B.S. in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Administration from Western Illinois University.  Photography, hiking, paddling, and websites are some of my hobbies.


Unless otherwise credited, all of the photographs and text on this website are my original content.  Stealing photos or copying material from this website without authorization is a violation of US Copyright Law.

Any user-submitted content, including website submissions and forum posts, are the property of whoever wrote it.  I make no claims of ownership and take no responsibility for user-submitted content.  If you wrote it, you own it.