Travel Time:
New Mexico Game and Fish
1 hour, 27 minutes
Yes, restricted

Access to the Elliot Barker Wildlife Area is a bit inconvenient and restricted, meaning that few people visit this remote and beautiful location. Access is via State Highway 204, 13 miles of unpaved road. As the highway crosses private ranches and the Philmont Scout Ranch, travelers may need to open and close cattle gates (always leave as-found, open or closed). The road is sometimes impassible to ordinary cars during wet weather and the stream crossings can become deep and extremely dangerous during flash storms.
The Barker Wildlife Area is only open to the public during certain times of the year, and the gate across the road at the property line may be closed and locked. If open, visitors can follow the road up the Middle Ponil Canyon, gaining easier access into the Barker.
The property is quite large and would take days to fully explore. The property features trout streams, mesas and canyons, forests and meadows, rocky cliffs, and historic sites.
Because the property is owned and managed by New Mexico Game and Fish, visitors must have either a valid hunting/fishing license or a GAIN permit.
Hiking Opportunities: There are some traces of old ranch roads, but no formal hiking trails. So serious hiking is done with a good topo map, compass, and backcountry navigation skills. Recent and past forest fires are evident and may hinder access into some areas because of dense vegetation regrowth.
Camping Opportunities: Camping is possible but extremely restricted. Camping is only for hunters, only in a limited area, and only during their licensed hunting season. Backcountry camping is not allowed.
More Information:
Official Game and Fish brochure: pdf file
Local photography website: Link